Community Involvement: Quarter 1

2018 Quarter 1: Make-A-Wish
Fisher’s loves to be part of the community within all our markets (Boise, Twin Falls, Sun Valley, Idaho Falls, Billings and Great Falls).
Fisher’s has a charitable giving committee. Any Fisher’s team member can be part of the committee. As a company, we vote on 4 charities that we are extremely passionate about and donate and or volunteer for them. We select one for each quarter of the year.
As first quarter is almost to a close, we have our first charity to support, the Make-A-Wish Foundation. On March 21st, Fisher’s team members donated their time to help the organization out with their telethon.
The Make-A-Wish® Idaho Chapter raised over 2.8 million miles. These miles can help grant a wish for a local child.
About The Make-A-Wish Foundation: “Every 37 minutes Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us in everything we do. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.”