09 - Testimonials

September 2022 Testimonials

Fisher's mission is to have EXTREMELY HAPPY CUSTOMERS who are happy with their day-to-day office needs. We are so thankful for our customer who share feedback for us. Thank you for choosing Fisher's for all your office technology needs.


Trinity Trailers BOI - Testimonial

“Mark, our service technician, was thorough and very personable. He took time to talk us through some pieces that were essential to understanding what was going on with the copier. Great technician!”


Trinity Trailers

“Mike, our service technician, was very friendly and helpful. He made sure everything on our copier was running properly before leaving which we greatly appreciate.”

Ruen-Yeager & Associates

Ruen - Yeager Associates - testimonial
Oasis Church - Testimonial

“Justin was patient with the glitches that came up while he was trying to get to the root of the problem such as old equipment on our part. Very friendly and knowledgeable.”


Oasis Seventh Day Adventist Church

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